A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Luna in London - September 2018 (AHFoW)

Over the course of a week I saw Luna four times in four different cities, here is the first of my word-sketches of those four shows.
For the London show I bunked off work early, met the boy and headed to the Academy for Luna's souncheck - it was a treat, you can read a little and watch a video of the soundcheck on Everything's Swirling.
After soundcheck it was off to Euphorium for the pre-show meet-up which was well attended and nice to catch up with the Luna-tics, we then headed off for the show to catch great support slots by Gaygirl and Fear of Men - some top DJ-work from Sonic Cathedral and find that Luna were, unsurprisingly, in top-form.
The Academy isn't a particularly nice venue (although the boy found a comfy seat on the mezzanine) but the sound was good, the audience were enthusuastic and the band in good spirits.
Nice surprise was hearing that Math Wiz was getting an outing on this tour - The Days of Our Nights has always been very under-represented in Luna live shows but this and Superfreaky Memories have been added to the repertoire for this tour (although I wasn't lucky enough to hear the latter).
Show over we were unceremoniusly herded out of the venue and decamped to a nearby pub for a little post-show gathering.
A nice start to my Luna tour and nice to see so many familiar faces, and to meet a couple of new ones.