A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Audio: Damon & Naomi in London in May 2001

Twenty years ago Damon & Naomi with Michio Kurihara played a splendid show at The Garage in London - you can download the full show here
Here are a few memories from that show.
- First band was The Clientele - this was probably only the second time I’d seen them live and was still struggling to love them as much as I eventually did. I’ve possibly seen them since more than any other band.
- Second act was the Trembling Blue Stars who were great - in the review I posted to the Galaxie 500 Mailing List after the show I said… “They have a drummer now gives them the opportunity to occasionally wig out” - I had seen them a few times before… apparently without a drummer - although probably not since the late 90s. I saw them headlining the Garage later that year - but I’m not sure I saw them again.
- I think this was the first UK tour Damon & Naomi did with Kurihara and they seemed to really enjoy having him there.
- Naomi made a video tour diary of this tour so the attached pics are photos snapped off the telly
- This was also the tour that spawned the Live in San Sebastian fake live album.
- I called my bootleg Attention Shoppers as that’s what Damon says at the beginning trying to attract the attention of the shoppers at the bar. The picture on the cover was taken in Utrecht a couple of weeks later.
- Naomi had by this time upgraded from a sruti to a harmonium, and was still bringing that bass on tour.
- I dragged my pal Andy along to the show to record it so…
You can grab the full video tour diary and lots of other great videos on the 1001 Nights DVD.