A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
A beautiful view - the Luna live stream

On Saturday night Luna played their first show for over a year - sadly no one could be in the room with them. Happily we could all be in our room with them. Unlike Dean & Britta’s cosy live stream shows from their living room last year Luna’s was a multi-camera shoot in a real club, Gold Diggers in Los Angeles.
The show opened with a couple of pre-recorded videos. The first was their fantastic take on Television’s Marquee Moon that crept out last year just about when we all really needed it. The second video was the world premiere of the band’s cover of David Bowie’s Starman - no sign of this turning up on YouTube (or Bandcamp) yet - but… fingers crossed.
Pre-recorded segment over and we cut to the band live on-stage (and spilling off the stage) in Gold Diggers. Lee was the one confident that they were live and counted in - the band started Slide - well, all except Sean who seemed to be expecting something else - but he was soon inline and the band were off and running and sounding as tight as we know they are.

Song over, no applause (except typed applause in the chat room) and a bit of banter and then into Beautiful View from Pup Tent, with its first live outing for many many years and was an absolute joy to hear.
Song over, no appluase. Dean grabs his phone and reads a couple of chat room comments.
The set continued on in similar vein - the band putting in their all - California (All The Way), Tiger Lily, Malibu Love Nest - no appluase, more banter, more comments, more songs Sideshow By The Seashore from Penthouse, their wonderful cover of The Cure’s Fire In Cairo, Sean taking to the mic for Still at Home during which Dean perches himself on the side of the stage. No applause.

Then, a treat, the first Luna original with lyrics for over 17 years - Corridors of Power (“or In The Corridors of Power” it seems Dean hadn’t decided yet) - it was a more overtly political song than Luna normally go in for - Dean’s voice venting frustration… and then a nice tempo change - great to hear for all that, and for new Luna!.
No applause. Except then, Dean solicits some, and the production crew provide a nice spattering of appreciation.
Lost In Space, a beautifully loose 23 Minutes, an absolutely storming Season of The Witch, possibly the high point of an evening of highs. No applause. Phone checking. Banter.
… and finishing with Sweet Child o’ Mine apparently played in the same complex as Axl Rose’s previous band Hollywood Rose rehearsed.
Then it was over. Some applause.
A fantastic evening, the sound mix was great and the sound and picture quality was as good as we’ve come to expect from Veeps - the camerawork was mostly fine although occasionally wayward. The chat was lively but difficult to follow - so… I mostly didn’t.
The band hinted at real live shows, in front of real live people, coming up later in the year - more on that when dates are confirmed - but it’d be nice to have more of these live streamed shows now that we know they can be done and be done well.
Although… with an in-room audience too - because a band needs an audience as much as an audience needs a band.