A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[110] Gigantic! 2 - Nineteen for the Nineties
Gigantic! 2 is a Melody Maker release that was sold through the paper on cassette (£3.99) and CD (£6.99) back in the summer of 1990, and more than any release from the early 90s this pretty much defined me, so many tracks by a bands I loved.

Here are a few examples:
- The Breeders - I Just Want to Get Along (a (then) outtake from the Pod recording sessions)
- Pale Saints - A Deeper Sleep for Steven (exclusive remix)
- Cocteau Twins - The High Monkey-Monk (previously unreleased)
- Mazzy Star - Ride it On (from She Hangs Brightly)
- The Clean - I Wait Around (from Vehicle)
- Lush - Scarlet (specially recorded version)
- The Kitchens of Distinction - Shiver (live in Berlin)
- The Sugarcubes - Eat The Menu (remix)
- Cranes - Untitled (previously unreleased)
And of course…
… and others, less impressive, but most not much… less… er! Just a couple of turds (See See Rider and Pussy Galore).
The myth of the longevity and indestructibility of the CD format took many hits over the years - one of those was CD bronzing where the discs would discolour and eventually become unplayable. This mostly affected discs manufactured by PDO in Blackburn. The Melody Maker CD of Gigantic 2 was affected by this fault.
This issue was brought to light in 1994 and the manufacturer admitted that it was a fault of theirs and agreed to replace discs. As a public service to Galaxie 500 fans I posted the information on how to replace discs to the web site and the mailing list (and the Galaxie 500 miniFAQ - see Q5), as follows:
- Why is my Gigantic! 2 CD changing colour? A number of faulty CDs were pressed by a company called PDO during the late 80s and early 90s (including Gigantic! 2). A decaying CD will become bronze tinged, and will eventually begin to lose sound quality.
PDO have a policy of replacing these deteriorating CDs free of charge.
They can be contacted at… PDO Discs Ltd
Telephone (+34) 2 545 2448
Fax (+34) 2 545 4729
Freephone (UK only) 0800 387063
You were obliged to return the faulty disc and provide proof of purchase (although, having the disc is surely proof of purchase). I duly sent off my faulty CD keeping the sleeve, and waited. And waited, and waited. I did start to worry that I’d seen the last of my CD but eventually the replacement arrived as promised.
According to the Wikipedia article the company changed hands shortly after and stopped offering replacements.
I’m not sure how many other folk followed the instructions to get a replacement CD but I’d guess not too many - so I probably have one of the very few CD copies of Gigantic! 2 that is still silver, otherwise this is what it would have looked like.
Unfortunately… it is sadly more unplayable than all those bronzed discs since it has a crack… no idea how that happened, but it has rendered it useless. I have a CDR not entirely sure when I made this - I guess either before it cracked (but why!?) or before I sent it away (but how!? Not sure I was ripping CDs as early as 1996). But thankfully, I do have a copy.
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 10/014
- Artist: Various Artists
- Title: Gigantic! 2 - Nineteen for the Nineties
- Notes: Cracked CD and replacement CDR
- Packaging: Jewel case
- Format: CD
- Bought direct from Melody Maker for £6.99 incl. postage