A Head Full of Wishes

A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.

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[218] Luna - Indian Summer / Ride Into The Sun

This is the 7” single of Luna’s cover of Indian Summer that was only released in this format on Australian indie Summershine in 1993.

Luna - Indian Summer / Ride Into The Sun (Summershine)
Luna - Indian Summer / Ride Into The Sun (Summershine)

The single comes in a generic card Summershine sleeve that has a sticker added proudly, but plainly, declaring what it is.

Another single that I can’t remember how I came by. I suspect I bought it on eBay but can’t find any evidence. It feels like it has been in my collection a while though.

Every time I listen to this version of Indian Summer it transports me back to seeing Luna back in the early 90s. Oddly, since it’s a cover, it is the song that has the greatest emotional impact on me. They played it the very first time I saw them back in 1992, and they played it at pretty much every other show I was at… I’d always say that a Luna show doesn’t feel finished until Indian Summer and I still believe that… even if they’re not ending with it these days.

Ride Into The Sun was recorded without the coda that they started adding to their live performances a few years later. I must admit that I prefer it without that extra bit.

  • Catalogue Number: AHFOW 11/007
  • Artist: Luna
  • Title: Indian Summer / Ride Into The Sun
  • Packaging: Generic Summershine sleeve
  • Format: 7”

Previously in my record collection: