A Head Full of Wishes: Discography / Gigography

A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.

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The Slow Song


  • Title: The Slow Song
  • Written by:


durch Strassen bevoikert
wir laufen breit
wir sind zufrieden
die Nacht ist schon

wenn du im Halbschlaf bist, in Wunderland
und einst von mir entfernt bist
schau in den Himmel
die Engelshande saen Senfkomer des Wahnsinns

schau auf die Uhr
ich muss zu Bett
wir tanzen zusammen
to the Tennesse Waltz

Available on:

Played live

by Luna 30 times.

This is collected from set list data which is incomplete

27th July 1999 Maxwells
Luna setlist
31st October 1999 Idiots Delight WNEW
Luna setlist
18th November 1999 KCRW
Luna setlist
8th April 2000 Bowery Ballroom
Luna setlist
27th May 2000 Maxwells
Luna setlist
4th August 2000 Warhol Museum
Luna setlist
26th January 2001 Village Underground
Luna setlist
2nd February 2001 Knitting Factory
Luna setlist
10th February 2001 9:30 Club
Luna setlist
24th February 2001 Fillmore
Luna setlist
2nd March 2001 40 Watt Club
Luna setlist
31st March 2001 Bowery Ballroom
Luna setlist
31st December 2001 Knitting Factory
Luna setlist
16th February 2002 Brooklyn Museum
Luna setlist
17th May 2002 WHFS
Luna setlist
28th May 2002 Highdive
Luna setlist
29th May 2002 Southgate House
Luna setlist
1st June 2002 First avenue
Luna setlist
5th June 2002 Aladdin Theatre
Luna setlist
18th June 2002 Blueberry Hill Duck Room
Luna setlist
20th July 2002 Maxwells
Luna setlist
24th August 2002 Northsix
Luna setlist
8th October 2002 Gebaude 9
Luna setlist
23rd November 2002 North Star Bar
Luna setlist
26th July 2003 Maxwells
Luna setlist
15th August 2003 Black Cat
Luna setlist
23rd August 2003 Southpaw
Luna setlist
29th January 2005 Sons of Hermann Hall
Luna setlist
11th February 2005 Neumos Crystal Ball Reading Room
Luna setlist
27th February 2005 Bowery Ballroom
Luna setlist

by Dean & Britta 1 times.

This is collected from set list data which is incomplete

26th September 2020 Echo Park
Dean & Britta live stream setlist poster